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Hit-a-Thon Information


Belmont Redwood Shores Little League conducts an annual Hit-A-Thon and Festival event during the spring. This is the league's largest fundraiser and helps fund important items like equipment, uniforms, training and field maintenance for over 500 youth baseball players in our community.


BRSLL has enlisted the services of 99Pledges to collect online donations and pledges. Each player will have their own personal pledge page. You will (soon) receive an email invitation to your page or you may visit their website and search for your player as the date draws near.

By using 99Pledges this allows you to reach out to friends and family across the world via email and social media. This site also allows your sponsors to pledge via credit card using a secure site.


The Snack Shack will be open, and we’ll have fun and games for the whole family.

  • Home Run Derby
  • Individual Speed-Pitching Competition
  • Team Base-Running Competition
  • Throwing Accuracy Carnival Games
  • DUNK TANK! Dunk your coach*?!
  • PRIZES to include Goetz merchandise, Snack Shack items, team pizza and ice cream parties!
  • RAFFLE with a grand prize $100 gift card to Goetz Bros.

 *Coaches must decide if they’re willing to be dunked. Start working on them now!


To make your fundraising campaign as successful as possible:

  1. Send emails to at least 10 of your family members and friends asking them to sponsor your player.
  2. Make your own donation.
  3. Once you receive your link from 99Pledges, post your link to social media (adding pictures is helpful).


After pictures, please proceed directly to the Marina Field at Belmont Sports Complex and check in at the table. T-Ball, Farm and AA will hit off a tee and AAA and Majors will hit from the machine. Each player will receive 3 hits (for AAA and Majors they will get 5 pitches). The hits will be recorded and entered on to the player’s pledge page.  


There will be a variety of prizes for team participation along with individual participation. More information to come.

Please know that no amount is too small and don't forget to ask your employer if they will match your donation. All donations are tax-deductible. Federal Tax ID #94-6107541.

Belmont Redwood Shores Little League

P.O. Box #1 
Belmont, California 94002
Email : [email protected]
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